online giving FAQ

Giving is in the very heart of what Vineyard Community Church is all about. Here are some additional details for you to consider.

  • Can I schedule recurring donations?

    Yes. When giving online you can set up recurring donations to regular giving and other funds. Just follow the prompts here and look for the word "frequency". You can set your giving for the day you choose, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. 

  • Will I still receive a contribution statement?

    Yes. At the end of January you will receive you're "year-end statement". 

  • What if I change banks?

    No problem, just sign in and change you bank routing number & account number.

  • Is online giving secure and what about fees?

    Yes our online giving platform is very secure. It is important to remember that when using a credit card to give the bank gets a big chunck of the amount your giving. Most credit cards take from 2.8%-3.2% of the amount given. The best way to give is with you bank account routing and account numbers. In this situation the bank only gets .31 cents. In both cases you do have the option to pay the fee.

  • Who do I talk to for more questions?

    Any of our Elders here at the Vineyard can answer questions that you may have. They are all updated regularly and are glad to share what is pertinent. Our elders are Ryan Ferguson, Jason French, John Webb, David Baxter

GIVING AT the vineyard




Expanding the Vineyard community

Whether it's ensuring technology enables people to access Jesus-centered content or mobilizing teams to love on our communities with a myriad of aid, our constant pursuit is reaching individuals in the North Texas area.

Reaching people around the world
By partnering with local organizations across the world and transporting groups to provide support, we're sharing our faith with people all around the world.

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

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